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Dunlop Echoplex Preamp Guitar Pedal EP101
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Dunlop Echoplex Preamp Guitar Pedal EP101
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Only available to USA customers, Dunlop's warranty is only valid on stock Dunlop products that we sell in the USA.

List Price: $171.42
Our Price: $149.99
You save $21.43!

Availability - time to dispatch:: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days


Add a Patch Cord:
12" switchcraft soldered pancake type patch cord $17 [Add $17.00]

Add a Patch Cord:
6" switchcraft soldered pancake type patch cord $15 [Add $15.00]
Guitar cables

Add a CBI Ultimate 15 foot Guitar Cable $26 [Add $26.00]Add a great sounding 15 foot long guitar cable, black with straight metal soldered Neutrik ends.
Power Cables for your existing multi-power supply

18" Power Cable for PP2 (one straight and one 90 degree end, unless specified in comments) $3.99 [Add $3.99]Does not work with our $15 Boss type power supplies, has 2 male ends for use with multi-outlet supplies like Voodoo Labs, etc

Extra 36" power Cable for PP2 with one 90 degree end $4.99 [Add $4.99]Does not work with our $15 Boss style power supplies, has 2 male ends for use with Voodoo Labs etc

Dunlop Echoplex Preamp Guitar Pedal EP101
Dunlop�s EP101 Echoplex Preamp recreates the magic of the EP-3�s front end, featuring a Field-effect Transistor (FET) just like the original and following the exact same signal path. The Gain control allows you to boost your signal by up to +11dB, with light asymmetrical clipping at higher settings for a bit of nice organic grit.

The Echoplex Preamp runs on standard 9-volt power and contains power management circuitry to guarantee constant headroom performance throughout the normal life of a 9-volt battery. With a heavy-duty Phase 90-sized housing, a replica EP-3 knob, true bypass switching and a status LED, the Echoplex Preamp is built to take a beating on the road so you can leave your fragile vintage piece at home.

Dunlop EP101 Echoplex Preamp Guitar Pedal Features
  • Faithful reproduction of the legendary Echoplex EP-3 front end
  • Gain boost up to +11dB
  • True Bypass
When the Echoplex EP-3 came out, guitar players were hooked by the way its pre-amp sweetened up their sound. Soon, the EP-3 made its way onto the records of top guitar players�from Jimmy Page to Eddie Van Halen and Eric Johnson�as much for its tone conditioning ability as its tape echo effect. Now, you can put the EP-3�s legendary secret sauce right on your pedalboard. The Echoplex Preamp is built to take a beating on the road so you can leave your fragile vintage piece at home.

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