Return to Analog Man Ibanez TS-9 Tube Screamer with mods Overdrive Pedal
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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 10 years and still going strong March 22, 2013
Reviewer: John Erickson from thunder bay, ON Canada  
Hello from the Great White North! :) I just wanted to write a review of my trusty Analog Man tube screamer. I had Mike do the "Silver mod" on my tube screamer, (oh its got to be at least 10 years ago now), and it still sounds as good as the first day i got it back, probably even better.... I've gone through many guitars, and amplifiers since then, but I've always had my good ol' tube screamer as the core of my overdrive tone. I can honestly say that I have had many, MANY compliments on my tone over my years of gigging, no matter what guitar i was playing, and I attribute it all to Mike's handy work. :) My drive tone is still so warm and smooth for my lead work, and the rhythm tones i get through this pedal....well, forget about it. I love the silver mod because it allows a little more of the natural guitar tone to come through, so as a result, I find the pedal "growls" more than a buzz type drive.....sweet to my ears ;).

Thanks Mike!!

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 OK pedal made great September 10, 2011
Reviewer: Joe from APO, AP United States  
Stock TS-9 was ok, but Silver mod was a definite few notches up. Much more transparency, less distortion but still great gain, really just "adds" to the sound now; has power and overdrive, but still retains it clarity, transparency, and you can still hear the guitar, not just the distortion. Using this last after a BD-2 Super. A true professional pedal, turns your TS-9 into an even better TS-808 for an affordable price. If I had to keep one pedal out of the 10 in my pedal chain, it would be this one, it defines my lead tone. I have been looking for a ballsy yet classy, clear, professional distortion/OD sound for years now, ......the search is over.

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  3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 tube screamers February 25, 2011
Reviewer: Greg Smith from Hewitt, NJ United States  
I have two of these badboys and they are the best. Use a bicomp and they sound even better. Analogman is the very best.

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Perfect tone, perfect crunch May 24, 2010
Reviewer: William Bronchick from Aurora, CO United States  
This mod is awesome.  The perfect combination of crunch and color.  This pedal combined with my Fender blues amp give the much-sought after SRV sound.

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Awesome August 29, 2009
Reviewer: Steven Plaxco from San Juan, PR Puerto Rico  
I honestly hated my Tubescreamer. I couldn't understand why it was so "great" of pedal. As a last ditch effort i sent it to Analog Mike for 45 bucks or so.
Now, i have sustain, a beautiful mid tone, and a light crunch for bar chord work thats not overpowering. The sustain is awesome.
I prefer the drive about 12-1 oclock, tone about 2-3, and volume just a hint above my amp for my perfect sustaining lead. I have several songs i play a one string sliding lead (think ebow) and this nails them without having to repluck the string. WOW.
I recommend getting the DS1 mod to run infront of this for the perfect setup- rhythym into lead (TS9 for a lead boost, the DS1 dirties it up just enough)

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 TS9/808 Silver Mod March 12, 2008
Reviewer: Anonymous Person from New York  
If God played guitar, this is the pedal he'd use.

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  5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 TS-9 Rocks January 20, 2007
Reviewer: Pete�Paul from Southboro,�MA�United States  
I have had a few of the older TS-9 and 808's. All of which slipped through my unknowing fingers (I was young and stupid). I now have 2 of the analogman TS-9 modded pedals and they just sound soooo nice, especially when played together. I use one for a bit of crunch, and the other for full-on overdrive. I go through a deluxe reverb, and the sound is so creamy and rich. Could not recommend this mod more...JUST BUY IT!

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