We can modify your FUZZ FACE
This article basically takes you step by step about modifying your Fuzz Face: FINDING THE FUZZY MAGIC
Here is a ridiculous amount of information about FUZZ FACES
Here is our standard fuzzface modification ordering information.
The cheapest modification is for a fuzzface with the standard fuzzface board as used by Dallas Arbiter and early Dunlop. These boards do not have the switch mounted directly to them, they look like this: http://www.analogman.com/graphics/fuztomod.jpg
We can also modify the new Dunlop ones with the switch attached to the board, but in that case we must replace your board with a complete SUN FACE board so it is more expensive, starts at $100 for that mod.
I recommend any of our germanium transistor options, or the BC183 silicon option if you want more fuzz and brightness. We have several other optional transistors, see the http://www.analogman.com/fuzzface.htm page for more info on the transistor options. Pricing on the tranistor options is on buyanalogman.com Sun Face page.
There is an article which might help you understand the mod process and has more info at Legendary Tones
Please fill out and send in the FUZZFACE MOD FORM with your pedal: http://www.analogman.com/fuzzfacemodform.htm
Please send a money order (postal or bank M.O. is fine) or cash for : $60 standard fuzzface mod using your circuit board. or $100 newer version mod requiring installing a new sunface board
plus options: $ extra for transistors and other options.
(See BUYANALOGMAN.COM Sunface page for current transistors and pricing)
$10 for Silicon BC183, BC108, or BC109 transistors and redoing the pedal for negative ground operation.
$25 extra for adding a sundial knob in between the two knobs.
Shipping : as on mod form
Please send a money order, not a personal check as my bank takes at least two weeks to clear a personal check. If a money order is not convenient, cash would be better for both of us I hate waiting in line at the bank!) Most people stick cash inside the pedal so it is safe and I will be sure to find it.
Send your pedal, padded well in a box, to :
Analog Man
Mike Piera
1 Garella Rd
Unit D
Bethel, CT 06801
For shipping to me, UPS is fine as they are traceable and include $100 insurance. US Priority Mail is great too : About $12 plus about $2 insurance (not really needed), and much quicker from the Midwest or West Coast. Use FedEx or Express for the quickest turnaround but please use only mail from overseas to avoid extra fees.
Please include a note that you are ordering the fuzz face upgrade, you should print out the mod form with your shipping address, EMAIL address and telephone number . I'll ship it out as soon as I get it done (a few days normally).